UKONO Hemp seeds

Healthy candies without sugar 260 g

Healthy candies without sugar 260 g
We bring to your attention new sets of candies with inspiring names!

1. "Don't expect a miracle, be one"
2. "Ignite everyone around you"
3. "Believe in yourself and everything will work out for you"

They all have the same composition:
- "Truffle" candies: dates, raisins, sunflower seeds, cocoa butter, carob, hazelnuts, amaranth.
- "Coconut" candies: chocolate date, coconut chips, cashew, sesame seeds, dried apple, amaranth.
- "Berry" candies: chocolate date, dried currants, almonds, dried strawberries, rose petals, amaranth.
- "Chocolate" candies: chocolate dates, almonds, dried cherries, carob, coconut oil, sesame seeds, amaranth.

And they are created to raise the mood of your family and friends with health benefits.

Prices in foreign currency differ slightly from prices in hryvnia due to the fact that the delivery of goods abroad directly depends on the weight of the goods. Because of this, we calculated the weight of the product and added the shipping cost (per kilogram) to each product. In addition, "Ukrainian Post International" takes roughly $25 from each parcel for cargo registration, regardless of the weight of the shipment. Thank you for your understanding.
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Healthy candies without sugar 260 gHealthy candies without sugar 260 gHealthy candies without sugar 260 g